The process of narrating PowerPoint presentations created by another person can be extremely difficult. In reality, one way to build up your fear of public speaking as well as make PowerPoint presentations sound stale or…, well, boring is to try to give an PowerPoint slideshow that someone else created for you. It doesn’t mean you can’t use PowerPoint slideshows which someone else has created. This is just a reminder that if the time comes, it’s likely be more anxious and have less natural flow than you would normally experience when standing up and make the speech. Be aware that a presentation, or speech is an exchange with your audience. Therefore, should you decide to write the speech, it will be speaking with yourself. If you let someone else write your speech and you are nervous and your anxiety associated with public speaking will grow.
If you are familiar with the film Roxanne and the show Cyrano de Bergerac you will remember the two male characters Christian as well as Cyrano are equally deeply in love with Roxanne However, Christian thinks he’s unarticulate, and Cyrano considers himself to be ugly. Christian finds Cyrano to write him love letters and it works well until Roxanne discovers who wrote the letters. In the films, Christian is portrayed as a snob, but in the original script, Christian is a brave and smart warrior , who is merely nervous. Christian is the type of person Roxanne would have been in love with were he to use the words he himself used to charm her. But since Cyrano’s words were used (his slideshow) it caused Christian even more anxious – not less. Roxanne did not get to meet Christian the true Christian. Your viewers are similar to your audience. You’ll feel much more secure if you are able to speak your own thoughts to your audience rather than trying to come up with your own “right thing to say” regarding the PowerPoint slides or bullet point that someone else designed.
In this regard we are aware that scenarios could arise in which we will not have any control over the PowerPoint slideshow, or any of the images really. For example, if you are a salesperson and your employer requires that you utilize a pre-defined PowerPoint presentation whenever you talk to customers , or when you have a sick caller and you need to cover for they call in when they call in sick, these guidelines below can help you greatly.
Top PowerPoint Tips for Narrating a Presentation
1. Include Your personal experiences: One of the most important aspect that sets a particular presenter apart from others is their personal experiences or stories they share when they present. It is easy to transform your PowerPoint presentation personal by adding stories and other instances from your own life in your speech. Let’s say for instance, the bullet point you choose to use is “Sales decreased by 10% last quarter,” you’ll need to define the issue and elaborate on what it signifies. You could, for instance, list the total number of “call-in” leads that the sales team got in the last quarter as compared to the previous quarter. After you’ve explained the reason behind it, use personal experiences to describe the situation. At first, we thought that the time between calls was wasted time, so we looked at downsizing the sales team. However, because each salesperson is able to follow up better with each incoming lead, their closing rations have increased over 250%. So that 10% decrease in sales is coming from less than half the number of incoming leads that we were receiving in the boom.” With no personal narrative it appears that this sales force is not doing well, but in reality, they’re accomplishing a remarkable job using the resources they’ve been given.
2. Do not try to remember someone else’s notes If you attempt to note everything you hear someone else say and to memorize it, you’ll make your anxiety worse. Instead, look at every paragraph and consider “What is the most important thing that the audience would need to know about that point?” What comes to mind as you ask the question will be what the audience should be aware of. If you employ this method in the event that you lose what you’ve prepared before you’re talking, you can think about it, and then repeat the question and the answer is likely to come back quite easily.
3. It is not necessary to Address Every Point If you let someone else compose the PowerPoint document for your, they usually include a lot of data on every slide. This means it is often difficult to address every single detail. As the presenter, you’re in charge of the words you use. I once had a client whom the executives decided wanted to create a comprehensive slideshow that every salesperson could utilize in any circumstance. The final PowerPoint deck included more than 120 slides. It is impossible that any presenter could provide that much information in this small a time. What my client did was print out the entire deck and have the office supplies store place a cover over the deck. She distributed it to the clients for guide and picked the slides she thought were suitable for each client when she gave her presentation. This meant that she didn’t bore one of her audience. Sometimes, you may have to be inventive when you’re delivering your message.
Be aware that presenting an PowerPoint slideshow that someone else has created for you is certainly more difficult than delivering the presentation you created by yourself, but it is possible to do. Be sure to make the PowerPoint personal by adding your memories and personal experiences onto the slides. Spend the time to determine what’s most important to the viewers as well as take the liberty of cutting out some bullet points in case your presentation is filled with data. If you adhere to these easy steps, you’ll appear more engaging and enunciative when you tell a story from the story of someone else’s PowerPoint presentation.
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